Are You Missing Out On Google Web Stories?

David Rosam
6 min readNov 11, 2020

Google Web Stories is ‘Visual Storytelling for the Open Web’. They’ll grab your readers’ attention like nothing else.

Are you aware of Google Web Stories? It’s a format for posting content to the web that many site owners don’t use.

I’d say that’s because there hasn’t been an easy way to publish them.

Let’s rewind a bit. Get things in context.

Google announced the developer preview for what it then called AMP Stories (AMP for accelerated mobile pages) in February 2018. Back then, it described them as A visual-driven format for news consumption on mobile.

In English, an AMP Story is a small collection of pages containing text, video, sounds and images.

Publishers such as CNN, Conde Nast, Hearst, Mashable, Meredith, Mic, Vox Media and The Washington Post were involved in developing the format. You can see the results on those kinds of sites ever since.

Have a look at these Web Stories:

There are more examples linked to from the Google Web stories page.

But that was over two years ago, David! Old news

In May this year, Google rebranded AMP Stories as Google Web Stories, moving the focus…



David Rosam

SEO, digital marketer, writer, herder of cookbooks, photographer, audiophile and jazz nut. Aspirant polymath.